🎥 Webinar:
Top 3 BIM Requirements For Owners
When working with the owner you should have a strategy to align BIM expectations.
Spoiler alert 🚨 – here are the TOP 3 BIM requirements to consider:
- Why is BIM being used on your project?
- What BIM scope is required to meet project goals?
- What information is really needed and when?
However the results below show that it’s rare that owners share clear BIM goals before starting a project.
Unfortunately only 1.8% of owners request clear BIM goals. 🙁
Scroll down to read more, or Start Watching the webinar like netflix here:
It’s pretty obvious but the answer to this question will all depend on the owner’s level of BIM experience.
This is different for each owner – some owners are new to BIM – some already have detailed requirements.
In the video below we quickly introduce the challenges and explore the different methods that owners use to request BIM today:
So we learned that BIM can provide owners with very large project savings – HOWEVER this will only occur if they request SMART BIM requirements.
Here are the four ways Owners ask for BIM:
Owners don’t know what BIM is and therefore don’t ask for BIM.
Owner just asks for “BIM Please” – with little to no direction.
Owner has “read up on BIM” and requests “LOD 500 plus COBie”! – a trainwreck!
Part 1: THE WHY – Documenting BIM/MODEL Uses WITH The Owner
In order to define smart objectives we must ask the owner and the team WHY?
Why are we doing BIM on this project?
Which BIM/Model Uses will provide value – matched to the challenges and risks faced.
To learn more, and agree on the why, we must start with some Plain Language Questions (PLQs):
After gaining an insight into the owners challenges and project risks – next up is documenting the BIM Goals, BIM/Model Uses and Processes required in order to achieve the desired results.
Here’s a demonstration showing how you can use online BIM Execution Plan Templates to document the BIM Uses and Processes for the whole team to review, learn from, agree to and follow:
Part 2: Defining Important Owner BIM SCOPE
For each BIM/Model Use we should then agree on the BIM scope required.
In this video we see how to define a BIM scope list using templates or information from a previous project:
Part 3: Adding Necessary Information Requirements
Now we have a scope defined we can look at how to build a concise project library of Information Requirements and then assign the relevant Information Requirements to the important elements.
These three simple steps – 1) agree on why, 2) agree on scope and 3) agree on information – are essential for any BIM project, especially if you want to provide value to the owner at handover.
If you would like to capture these on your project, in a simple and visual way, maybe it’s the right time to try lodplanner? 😉
Slides from the webinar:
Three modules:
BIM Execution Plan
Visual LOD Matrix
BIM Management
Create your Free BIM Execution Plan now:
BIM Blogs:
The Ultimate BIM Software List For 2019
The most comprehensive BIM Software list on the planet 😉
Top 10 “Evil BIM” Challenges List
BIM is essential for improving our industry’s efficiency however when BIM is not…
What is BIM?
A “What Is BIM” explanation that even your Grandma would understand!
Recorded BIM Webinars:
Create your BIM Execution Plan: