🎥 Webinar:

Top 3 BIM Requirements For Owners

When working with the owner you should have a strategy to align BIM expectations.

    Spoiler alert 🚨 – here are the TOP 3 BIM requirements to consider:

    1. Why is BIM being used on your project?
    2. What BIM scope is required to meet project goals?
    3. What information is really needed and when?

    However the results below show that it’s rare that owners share clear BIM goals before starting a project.

    Unfortunately only 1.8% of owners request clear BIM goals. 🙁 

    Scroll down to read more, or Start Watching the webinar like netflix here:

    SO, How Do Owners REQUEST BIM TODAY?

    It’s pretty obvious but the answer to this question will all depend on the owner’s level of BIM experience.

    This is different for each owner – some owners are new to BIM – some already have detailed requirements.

    In the video below we quickly introduce the challenges and explore the different methods that owners use to request BIM today:

    So we learned that BIM can provide owners with very large project savings – HOWEVER this will only occur if they request SMART BIM requirements.

    BIM Benefits require SMART requests

    Here are the four ways Owners ask for BIM:

    Owners not wanting BIM

    Owners don’t know what BIM is and therefore don’t ask for BIM.


    Please can I have some BIM

    Owner just asks for “BIM Please” – with little to no direction.


    LOD 500 plus COBie

    Owner has “read up on BIM” and requests “LOD 500 plus COBie”!  – a trainwreck!


    Owner Detailed BIM Requirements
    Educated owner asks for SMART BIM goals – a real opportunity but sadly not very common.


    Part 1: THE WHY – Documenting BIM/MODEL Uses WITH The Owner

    In order to define smart objectives we must ask the owner and the team WHY?

    Why are we doing BIM on this project?

    Which BIM/Model Uses will provide value – matched to the challenges and risks faced. 


    To learn more, and agree on the why, we must start with some Plain Language Questions (PLQs):

    Agree on why BIM

    After gaining an insight into the owners challenges and project risks – next up is documenting the BIM Goals, BIM/Model Uses and Processes required in order to achieve the desired results.


    Here’s a demonstration showing how you can use online BIM Execution Plan Templates to document the BIM Uses and Processes for the whole team to review, learn from, agree to and follow: 

    Part 2: Defining Important Owner BIM SCOPE

    For each BIM/Model Use we should then agree on the BIM scope required.

    In this video we see how to define a BIM scope list using templates or information from a previous project:

    Part 3: Adding Necessary Information Requirements

    Now we have a scope defined we can look at how to build a concise project library of Information Requirements and then assign the relevant Information Requirements to the important elements.

    These three simple steps – 1) agree on why, 2) agree on scope and 3) agree on information – are essential for any BIM project, especially if you want to provide value to the owner at handover.


    If you would like to capture these on your project, in a simple and visual way, maybe it’s the right time to try lodplanner? 😉 

    Slides from the webinar:

    Three modules:

    BIM Execution Plan


    Visual LOD Matrix

    BIM Scope

    BIM Management

    BIM Track

    Create your Free BIM Execution Plan now:

    BIM Blogs:

    What is BIM?

    What is BIM?

    A “What Is BIM” explanation that even your Grandma would understand!

    Recorded BIM Webinars:


    Create your BIM Execution Plan:

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